
Advantages to Managed Community Internet

11 November 2022

Posted by: Mark Munger

Managed community Internet, Managed Wi-Fi, or Property-Wide Wi-Fi are all names for Internet services provided to all tenants and throughout a building or campus. It almost always includes delivery via Wi-Fi with options for wired connections. We will explore several advantages as to why this has become a popular choice for building owners and communities.

Everyone wants it

Internet access has become ubiquitous with many daily activities requiring some interaction with the Internet. Shopping, banking, and access to social media are all done via the Internet. It is the access pipe that has enabled a whole new set of activities and enhanced the activities we did via phone or postal mail several years ago.

Building owners and communities are discovering that with the Internet as general a service as electricity or water, it is in the public interest to install the pipes for it and make it easily available for tenants at move-in or any time while on property. Working with a provider to connect a large pipe and manage Internet service within the building or community is becoming the standard.

Advantages for both the Tenant and the Owner

Building Internet services into the property is a benefit for both the tenant and building owner. Tenants get instant access to high-speed Internet anytime and anywhere while on property. The price of the Internet, rather than paid monthly by the Tenant or built into the rent, is almost always considerably lower than if provided individually by a retail Internet service. It can also be customized to a specific property providing a better customer experience and customer service.

The building owners or property managers also see benefits first in attracting more tenants with a better overall product though also in increased property value that can come through an over higher value for the product offered, increased income, and increased property and asset values. Additional services that are provided over the property side Internet also provide greater Tenant value and customer service in property management.

Tenant Experience

Tenants specifically value being able to easily set up and manage their Internet access with being able to turn up and increase speed on their own. As it's an amenity, it can be turned up without long-term contracts or waiting on a provider to ship equipment or schedule an install. Internet is provided in common areas and around the property enabling a great user experience anywhere and anytime.

Internet traditionally has been a service that tenants have needed to procure and manage themselves. Property owners have needed to spend money installing general infrastructure and have not had a way to pay for the installation or the ongoing maintenance of the infrastructure. 

There is no positive experience in this for either the property owner or the Tenant. Managed Property-Wide Internet is the answer to both of these issues.

First Step

Interact Solutions can assist building owners whether it's new construction or older buildings that require innovative ways to use existing cabling and infrastructure. Interact engineers have been part of building new projects for over 30 years and have also engineered unique projects like converting former jails with thick walls and lack of cabling into technology-enabled buildings. There is no project that we do not have experience with or a unique experience for installation. Contacting Internet Solutions is your first and only step needed and we look forward to speaking with you about your project.